eZine #41: Health and Fitness in Marriage
eZine #41: Health and Fitness in Marriage
Melissa and I do a fair bit of premarital counselling, we cover every topic you can imagine, all intended to be sure that at the very least couples have begun to think about the different elements that could come up in their future marriage.Just the other day, we were meeting with a couple and came to the section in our premarital material about potential health concerns. Discussing what “health” means to each other is critical. For this couple, their physical fitness wasn’t as much of a priority as was their concern about each other’s emotional health and self-care. We did address physical fitness as well, because so often when couples get married young, they don’t even think about the potential of needing to stay in shape – at least not beyond “fitting into the dress.”Physical health is about so much more than what size pants we wear; it’s about quality of life, stamina, emotional and mental satisfaction, sexuality, confidence and so much more. Being and staying active in some way and watching what we eat can have a drastic impact on our lives personally and by extension our marriages.Health and fitness, and partnering with each other to facilitate them in each other’s lives, is an incredible opportunity for us to connect and learn about each other in our marriage relationship. This month’s resources are compiled to help walk you through some of these things together as a couple.Podcast 38: Health & Fitness in MarriageDoing Family Right TipDoing Family Right Quick Video AnswersImage used with permission by www.123rf.com/37404872/copyright: maridav© David McVety – FEB 2017David McVety is the Assistant Director of Doing Family Right.To contact David McVety, email: david@doingfamilyright.com