eZine #44: The “How To’s” of Digital Protection for Your Kids
The “How To’s” of Digital Protection for Your Kids
I’m not sure if you have seen the recent documentary called “Over 18” but it includes a story that is quite disturbing. A 9 year old boy, homeschooled who has become a porn addict in the living room of his parents’ home. Unfortunately this isn’t a rare story for us at DFR.We are working with families with a 7 year old waking up at 4am to look at porn on the family computer and even a 5 year old describing the fact that he knows he shouldn’t look at the things he is looking at, but he just can’t help it.The need to protect our children in our current cultural context is undeniable. We (David and Melissa) speak about the power and impact of initially starting by protecting our kids and eventually redirecting them as they move toward independence. Realistically, the terrible and awful “pro-pornography” culture and climate is inside our home – UNLESS we block it and keep it out.Please know too, that the need for protection is NOT dependent on the character of your child. Our brains aren’t equipped or able to process or handle the information OR choices that the Internet gives us, in fact the understanding “consequence” part of the brain doesn’t even fully develop until we are in our mid 20’s. If our children are exposed, they will be impacted negatively.The articles and podcast attached to this eZine this month are designed to help you protect your children AND move them toward being effective and healthy members of society.Our goal is also to give you the specifics of HOW to protect your children, which you will find linked below.
3 layered approach to protectionGraduated system – “7-step social media introduction model for healthy Internet use for our kids”Philosophy implementation for cell phone use:
Podcast 41: The How To’s of Digital Protection of Children
Our Recommended Filters:
Check out this article first: Internet Safety & Software for EVERY device in your home Visit this site and check out this tool too: Kidswifi.com
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We have a wide range of many topics! Find them all HERE © David McVety, May 2017David McVety is the Assistant Director of Doing Family Right.To contact David McVety, email: david@doingfamilyright.com Image used with permission by: https://pixabay.com/en/kids-playing-connected-childhood-1253096/