eZine #45: Talking to your Kids about Porn
Our single most popular Parenting Talk is “Protecting Your Kids Online.” One of the specific things we address is how to talk to kids about pornography. I remember feeling significantly intimated. The word itself is so loaded with baggage, fears, and issues.It can feel VERY intimidating to talk to your kids about pornography, especially if you are in the 80-90% of adults who never had a sex talk from their parents.We have good news for you: talking with your kids about porn doesn’t have to be hard! In our sex-saturated world, our role as parents is to equip our kids with the truth of what we believe, and in the case of pornography the truth of what porn is and does.We have collected our best resources for you, articles, podcasts and more so you can feel at ease and more confident about addressing this topic with your kids.May these links and resources be a blessing and encouragement to you and your family.Sincerely, David McVetyAssistant Director @ Doing Family Right Primary podcastPodcast 42: Sex Talk: talking to your kids about pornSecond podcastWhat do I do if my child is into porn already?!Articles:Addressing online nudity Dr. Dave on Video:Dr. Dave talks “Porn and its impact on your future sex life”image used with permission by http://www.123rf/30717645