eZine #51: The Power of Shared History
I have a unique, one-of-a-kind Shared History with Donalyn. It may be the richest gift we share with someone as human beings. Truly appreciating this mutual journey may be one of the greatest recognitions you’ll make for deepening your most important relationship.This month’s eZine feature article is about the unbroken connection between two people (husband and wife) through a never-ending variety of mutual life experiences—large and small—enjoyable and tragic—momentous and mundane—private and public—where the one common thread through it all more than any other person is your counterpart in married life.To read the full article on Shared History and how it helps build deeper marital connection, go HERETo learn more about this month’s feature eZine topic, see the following DFR resources:Article: The Secrets of Happy Camper DatingPodcast #91: Fusion 5—The Combustion of Passion**NOTE: If your marriage is in crisis, seek creditable support right away. Our DFR Care Centre has a team of counsellors ready to help. We can counsel you in person, if you are in the Fraser Valley, or via phone or Skype, if you live farther away.To inquire about counselling or book an appointment, please fill out our Counselling Request Form. You can also call our DFR message centre and leave your request at: 604-556-1116 or email us at counselling@doingfamilyright.com
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We have a wide range of past topics, find them all HERE Feature article written by Dr. Dave Currie, president and founder of Doing Family Right—August 2018© The DFR eZine is co-produced by Rossi Zacharias and Mariah Johnston