eZine #57: Aging Graciously

This month we take a look at growing older—the relationship challenges and changes that may come with it and the chance for new experiences and even greater joy! Our feature podcast helps individuals and couples grow older in a way that reflects how God is in control of every part of life’s journey. We’ll examine the benefits of growing older and how to best face the changes to help you age graciously. Listen to our Feature Podcast HERE: Podcast 114—Aging Graciously—Learning to Embrace the Inevitability of Growing Older

The 2nd half of marriage can be the best half with the right half-time adjustments. Join Dr. Dave and Donalyn Currie on May 4th for our Marriage 2.0 Seminar in Abbotsford, BC. This unprecedented seminar is recommended for couples facing the empty nest and beyond 20 years married or over age 45 in a second marriage. This half is different! Click HERE to learn more and to register.

April Article: The Power of Shared History Growing older for couples also means a ton of history together! Learn how your shared memories, events and experiences can help you create a richer, deeper, more meaningful bond with your spouse. Read now…

April Podcast: Vintage—Aging Graciously in Marriage Dr. Dave and Donalyn Currie share their experience in growing older together in marriage. You don’t have to become a “grumpy old man/woman”. Learn tips and hear sage advice on how to accept and fight off the normal and inevitable aging process. Listen now…

Care Centre Corner: Meet Counsellor, Helen Peters Helen is warm and empathic and quickly develops a safe, relaxing atmosphere with her clients. Her areas of expertise are personal relationships, parent/child, family of origin issues, anxiety, depression, general and work-related stress and trauma. To inquire about counselling and learn more about Helen, visit her full profile HERE

**NOTE: If you, your marriage or family is in crisis, seek creditable support right away. Our DFR Care Centre has a team of counsellors ready to help. We can counsel you in person if you are in the Fraser Valley, or via phone or video conferencing if you live farther away. To inquire about counselling or book an appointment, please fill out our Counselling Request Form. You can also call our DFR message centre and leave your request at: 604-556-1116 or email us at counselling@doingfamilyright.com

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Podcast 125: Facing Burnout within the Family


Podcast 124: Family Crises—Where is God When It Hurts?