Second-Half Marriage Seminar—Marriage 2.0, Spring 2020

Next Seminar: Saturday May 2, 2020

Marriage 2.0 is a one of a kind, life changing, 1-day event for couples  that believe “The Best is Yet to Come.” This “second half marriage seminar” features Dr. Dave and Donalyn Currie. They know that your 2nd half of marriage can be the best half with the right half-time adjustments. Don’t just coast or co-exist in the years ahead, find new God-honouring ways to really connect with your spouse.WHAT’S COVERED: 6 life-refreshing, marriage-liberating sessions with over 15 discussion starters for husband and wife only. The 6 sessions include these critical and life-giving topics:Togetherness: The heart of marriage is creating an inviting, life-long friendship.Vintage: Your attitude in aging shapes your interaction in life.Collaboration: Constructive closure keeps the conversation going.Significance: Half-time adjustments increase true meaning in life.Intimacy: Making love should never end—find a way.Anchored: A deep faith in God is a sure foundation for life and beyond.WHO SHOULD COME: This unprecedented seminar is recommended for couples facing the empty nest and beyond, being 20 or more years married or over age 45 in a second marriage. This half is different!EVENT DETAILS:When: Saturday May 2, 2020Time: 8:30am - 4:30pmCost:  $150 per couple ($130 Early bird special until April 1)Where: Quality Hotel & Conference Centre, Abbotsford BC (formerly the Ramada Plaza Abbotsford)Address:  36035 North Parallel Rd, Abbotsford BC,  V3G 2C6Hosted by Doing Family Right.For more information email info@doingfamilyright.comTo Register: Visit our Store today!



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