Parenting: Dr. Dave Currie Speaks to Teens — "Porn and Their Future Sex Life"

Listen to this powerful message from Dr. Dave Currie as he speaks to teens at Fort St. John Evangelical Mission Church on what porn is doing to their future sex life.For more information and guidance on how to help our youth battle  the "Porn Phenomenon", read Dr. Dave's article: Pornography and our Youth and listen to the following podcast: #61—What to Do If You Find Your Child is Into Porn.We’d love to hear from you. If you or someone you love needs help, seek it HERE. If you would like more resources on this topic, email: You’ll never regret putting your marriage and family first.© Dr. Dave Currie – April 2016


eZine #29: 4 Moments that Matter and Strengthen Your Marriage


Marriage: Like a Diamond for the World to See