Podcast 134: P.E.R.G.E. – Recovering from your Husband’s Sexual Addiction

Podcast 134: P.E.R.G.E. – Recovering from your Husband’s Sexual Addiction

In this podcast, Dr. Dave and his guests tackle a question many couples who have faced sexual addiction: What about the wife?


This podcast is set to  help women who are facing their spouse’s Porn or Sexual Addiction begin to understand the benefits of P.E.R.G.E – Partner Encouragement Recovery Group Experience - what to expect? How they might grow through it? You can learn more or register for our upcoming P.E.R.G.E seminar here. And to all those reading this, please know, we are here to support you and encourage you. We hope this podcast opens up new light and a glimmer of hope. 

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Podcast 135: RECOVERY 16 - Coming Clean: The Value of Honest Disclosure


eZine #79: Keep Calm and Carry On | The Good News About Marriage!