Marriage: Romantic Aptitude Quiz
Instructions: Score yourself on the following romantic gestures toward your mate. As well, if you are brave, give them a copy to rate you. Talk out your answers and grow.Have you shared your appreciation of him/her in writing in the last 6 months? YES ___ NO ___Have you kissed him/her in public in the last month? YES ___ NO ___Have you called him/her during the day just to say you love her this month? YES ___ NO ___Do you kiss him/her goodbye at least every other morning? YES ___ NO ___Have you talked in bed in the morning in the last 3 months? YES ___ NO ___Have you bought him/her a gift for no specific reason in the last year? YES ___ NO ___Have you gone for a coffee date just to talk in the last month? YES ___ NO ___Have you pulled him/her close to express belonging in the last month? YES ___ NO ___Have you given a backrub in the last month? YES ___ NO ___Have you surprised him/her with romantic event in the last year? YES ___ NO ___Have you told him/her you love him/her in the last day? YES ___ NO ___Have you told him/her how good he/she looks this week? YES ___ NO ___Have you shared how proud you are to be with him/her in the last 6 months? YES ___ NO ___Have you gone out dancing or danced alone at home in the last 6 months? YES ___ NO ___Have you celebrated your anniversary with an overnight away this past year? YES ___ NO ___Have you done an activity they love but wasn’t your favorite in last 6 months? YES ___ NO ___Have you expressed your lifetime commitment in some way in the past month? YES ___ NO ___Have you cooked dinner just for the 2 of you in the last year? YES ___ NO ___Have you sent a flirtatious text or email in the past 2 weeks? YES ___ NO ___Have you initiated and planned an entire evening date in the last 6 months? YES ___ NO ___ Romantic Aptitude Score = _____/20SCORINGHere’s how you’ll score your Romantic Prowess. For every question that you can honestly say yes to, give yourself one. Add up your total “yeses”. Read below to see what kind of shape you are in. Does your spouse agree?16-20 Very well: You are truly a romantic to admire.12-15 Good: You are showing good signs of romance.8-11 Average: You’ve got it going but more effort will increase the love.4-7 Poor: Lots of room to grow – start making a daily effort.0-4 Failure: Admit you are selfish and apologize. Get romance help.
© Dr. Dave & Donalyn Currie, November 2005