Doing Family Right

Maximizing your most
important relationships.

eZine #34: The Art and Value of Accountability

eZine #34: The Art and Value of Accountability I’ve always longed for accountability, but is hasn’t always been easy to find people that have the same concept of accountability as I...

Israel Tour 2016

Join Chuck Swindoll and Insite for Living Ministries…for this 12-Day Tour of Israel. Itinerary: March 6 – 17, 2016 Dr. Dave Currie, joined by his wife Donalyn, is excited to be...

Podcast 055: When Your Teen Rebels

Trusting God with the Prodigal: What Happens When Your Teen Rebels? How do you walk the tight rope between tough love and maintaining support? How do you handle them walking away...

Podcast 084: Marriage FUSION 3—The Acceleration of Connection

FUSION 3—The Acceleration of Connection The goal is to value each other’s perspective in order to find a deepening understanding. We’ll help couples understand the ways to better connect on every...

Podcast 090: Family Missions—Serving Together

Podcast 90: Family Missions—The Power of Transformation through Serving Together Taking your kids to a foreign country? Are you serious? Could we really make a difference? What will it do for...

Podcast 102: Keeping Sane in the Family Chaos Years

Full House—Keeping Sane in the Family Chaos Years To help couples survive and even thrive through the challenges of keeping a healthy and balanced home life during the psycho, busy years...

Marriage: The Dangerous Slide into an Internet Affair

The Dangerous Slide into an Internet Affair *Story Used with Permission The key word is fantasy. More and more of us are living there it seems these days. It's the world...

Hockey Marathon Of Hope

A great way to kick off your hockey season!!! A Hockey Marathon like none other in Canada. You can enjoy the game you love while leaving a legacy. Who?    You...

Parenting: 18 Popular Social Media APPS You Should Know About

The following is a list of apps that youth are currently using and gravitating to. As much as many of them have possible practical uses, most are being abused and are...

Podcast 080: Women and Pornography in the Digital Age

Podcast 80: Women and Pornography in the Digital Age The days of porn being just a guy’s problem are long over. The accessibility and anonymity of porn have made it open...

Podcast 082: Avoiding Marital Break-Up

Podcast 82: Avoiding Marital Break-Up—The 7 C’s of Relationship Recovery Your marriage may be on a slippery slope toward ending. We’ll seek to assist the reluctant partner who doesn’t want the...

Podcast 092: RECOVERY 6 — Neurological Effects of Pornography Addiction

Podcast 92: RECOVERY—Your Brain on Porn—Understanding the Powerful Neurological Effects of Pornography Addiction What do hours online watching porn really do to your brain? How does addiction work? Why is porn...

eZine #49: Help for the Heartbreak of the Humboldt Bronco Family

The Humboldt Broncos tragedy has captured the hearts of all of Canada. Our national pastime combined in combination with a devastating accident that has taken 16 lives and injured many more, has left us feeling...

Podcast 100: What’s Your Cell Phone Doing for You?

Digital Delight or Distraction: What’s Your Cell Phone Doing for You? Are you hooked on your cell phone? This podcast explores the pervasive and growing negative impact that our electronics are...

God and Human Suffering: Part 1

Where was God in Las Vegas? Part 1 of 3 on God and Human Suffering We have heard the unbelievable story of craziness and tragedy too many times. This time, it...