Doing Family Right

Maximizing your most
important relationships.

Parenting: Internet Safety and Software for Every Device in Your Home

We all struggle with keeping our family safe and secure, especially in our world of easy and often-unsecured Internet access. You may be asking yourself where to start and how to...

eZine #99: New Year, New Things

January eZine: New Year, New Things! Happy New Year all! We hope you had a wonderful holiday season and enjoyed time with those you love most. Reflecting back, 2022 was an...

Parenting: Our Broken Moral Compass—The Truth and Tragedy of a Failing Integrity

I think someone must have driven over our moral compass. It’s not lost – it’s broken. When I was a boy of 12 at camp, I took a skills course in...

Parenting: Snapshots of Fatherhood

Life often comes down to collection of snapshots in an album. They don’t tell the whole story; so much goes on between each captured Kodak moment. But photos, like memories, do...

Parenting: Internet Safety for Your Children—The Three Layered Approach

Most of us know the dangers of the digital world by now. If you don’t, let me tell you how devastating it is to hear stories of 13-year-old girls creating secret...

Parenting: Q & A with Dr. Dave & Donalyn Currie: SOLO Influence—How do I raise my family God’s way when my spouse isn’t interested?

QUESTION: I want to build my family on God’s principles, but my spouse has very little interest in spiritual things. What do I do? Dave: Donalyn and I sympathize with you,...

Parenting: Special Podcast | COVID Kids

A special Podcast with Truth and Nails! Part 2 of 2 with Sean from Truth and Nails— In this episode Dave and Sean chat about how the pandemic and its lock-downs...

Marriage: Marriage Matters Special Podcast

A special Podcast with Truth and Nails! Some of us have had great examples of lasting and vibrant marriages. Others are struggling to find a person in their life who even...

Parenting: BUBBLE WRAP CHILDREN: How Shielding Kids From Suffering Works Against Them

After speaking eight weeks this year to a Vancouver-based group of 150 parents in our iParent Series: Formatting the Next Generation, I received this amazing thank you gift pictured here. The...

Parenting: Indecent Exposure—Winning the Sexual Battle for the Minds and Hearts of the Next Generation

Tears poured down her face as we embraced. My wife, Donalyn, whispered to me through her pain, “It is so wrong, and so easy. What if our grandbabies ever saw that?”...

New Staff Coming on Board…

We want to welcome Dave & Melissa McVety and their family to the Doing Family Right team. We are so excited for God’s clear leading in their lives and can’t wait...

Parenting: Cell Phone Sanity for Children

Dr. Dave’s Complete Family Guide for Mobile Use Her parents didn’t think through the ramifications of their little girl becoming so tech savvy so young. Her mom and dad embrace technology....


  We are excited to offer you some of the best resources available to strengthen your marriage and build a stronger family! This App is laced with amazing daily tips, articles,...

Podcast: Porn: Deadliness Of It, Grace For It, Recovery From It

A special Podcast with Matt Shantz from the Deep Thoughts Podcast. Dr. Dave Currie is a guest on this episode that goes into detail about overcoming pornography addiction. Dave talks with...

Marriage: Five Roles of a Lifetime Valentine

What is a lifetime valentine? For me, it’s synonymous with success in marriage. It is best described as a satisfying, growing friendship for life. Let’s break that down. Satisfying means enjoyable...