eZine #34: The Art and Value of Accountability
eZine #34: The Art and Value of Accountability
I’ve always longed for accountability, but is hasn’t always been easy to find people that have the same concept of accountability as I have. There have been ups and downs through the seasons, where at times there has been great connection and mutual support, and other times things haven’t been as fluid. I actually remember for a long time looking for the “perfect” person who would understand and be there for me who I could be there for. I quickly found that I was very unlikely to meet this ideal individual and came to grips with the fact that sometimes it’s better if you aren’t “best friends” with the person holding you accountable.
Don’t wait for the person, instead embrace those who are willing. You’d be amazed at how much you grow and learn from the different perspective of those you don’t necessarily think you can connect with.
There are often also some false concepts that I know I had when it came to accountability, one was that I expected someone to “police” me and make sure I didn’t mess up. I put all the responsibility on the other person to make sure I did what I was supposed to do, as you can imagine that didn’t work out well. I also used to make accountability all about the single topic that I was having the most trouble with. This proved to actually make progress MORE difficult. Accountability is about sharpening, challenging and encouraging another person. It is intended to a POWERFUL tool for us as we grow and navigate our lives to be in more direct alignment with what God has for us.
Take the time to be with an accountability partner who will challenge you to take responsibility for your own actions, and ask you about EVERY area of your life.
Recovery and growth simply don’t happen in a vacuum, we need each other for that.
Check out this month’s resources on the topic here:
Podcast 31: The Art of Accountability: What Meeting Regularly Can Do for Your Life and Faith
Video: Facebook Boundaries for Spouses
Video: Dave McVety's 4 Dimensional Approach to Accountability
© David McVety – Oct 2016David McVety is the Assistant Director of Doing Family Right.To contact David McVety, email: david@doingfamilyright.com