Podcast 069: MARRIAGE 2.0—INTIMACY in Marriage
From the Marriage Seminar: Marriage 2.0—INTIMACY: Making love should never stop...find a way.
We share ideas to help couples in the 2nd half of marriage to continue to enjoy their sexual lives together in spite of growing challenges. Menopause, Erectile dysfunction and more. Nothing is off limits here. Guest: Donalyn CurrieClick here if you are having trouble with the podcast playerTo listen to the complete line-up of Marriage 2.0 podcasts (there are 6 total!) see the list below:Session 1: Podcast 53—TogethernessSession 2: Podcast 54 – VintageSession 3: Podcast 58 – CollaborationSession 4: Podcast 62 – SignificanceSession 5: Podcast 69 – IntimacySession 6: Podcast 70 – AnchoredImage used with permission by www.fotolia.com/File: #108485866/Author: PointImages