September eZine: Leaving Lasting Footprints
Featured Article: Leaving Lasting Footprints
You see, we are leaving footprints every day for our family to follow. But it’s not a game—it is life. The stakes are high! A future generation of faith is resting on us. There’s no doubt we are leaving tracks. That is a universal fact. Kids follow parents…at least for a while.So what is it going to take to have your children follow you? Plain and simple. It’s your example. Here are my non-negotiable steps for leading well at home.Learn more…
SEPTEMBER ARTICLE: BUBBLE WRAP CHILDREN: How Shielding Kids From Suffering Works Against Them
How will your kids learn a God-honoring theology of suffering if you are dedicated to spare them from pain?Difficult circumstances that directly affect your child and impact their world need to be discussed in a thoughtful and age-appropriate way to bring critical insight for their future.Here are
five key lessons kids learn through going through hard times with the sensitive guidance of their parents — clear reasons to avoid the bubble wrap approach.Click
HERE to read more
SEPTEMBER PODCAST: Bully-Proof Your KidsBullying is no longer just happening in the school ground. It’s taken wings online with cruel texts, threatening messages and public shaming on social media. We take a look at what makes kids vulnerable and how to build them up so they are “Bully-Proof”.Listen
CARE CENTRE NEWS: Join us in welcoming Cam Broad!
Cam cares for people and loves to walk alongside them on their journey in life. It’s his joy to encourage people to experience freedom and wholeness. He’s had the privilege of serving in Pastoral Ministry for more than 20 years with half of that time focusing on Youth and Young Adults, and the other half of that time serving the entire adult congregation.. . Learn More
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