eZine #74: Marriage: The Love Formula

October eZine: Marriage: The Love Formula

Featured Article: The Love Formula

As the years go by, without the right attention, it’s not uncommon for a marital relationship to begin to waver—as in fade or grow apart. Routine, busyness, stress, baggage, assumptions and selfishness along with a host of other complexities can easily take their toll on a once dynamic love connection. Simply, the marriage becomes less of a priority over time. Sadly, it’s too easy to take each other for granted. If you’ve already ‘tied the knot’, you likely have experienced some version of this unraveling in your relationship.When the distancing happens, couples lose the warmth, charm and closeness they once had between them. As I help so many rebuild their marriages, its important for people to get ‘back to basics’. Set the most elementary parts of a relationship right and you have a chance of regaining a satisfying, meaningful marriage, maybe even better than before.Every couple would be wise to appreciate and apply this simple and practical formula of LOVE. Read it and let it sink in.

Love = Commitment + Attraction

Learn more…

OCTOBER ARTICLE: Understanding Lasting Marital IntimacyDonalyn and I have chosen to focus on three dimensions within marriage to create something awesome.! We have seen over the years, that beyond our deep and personal faith in God that anchors us, it’s when these 3 aspects consistently and caringly become central to your regular life cycle that your primary relationship will grow more satisfying and sustainable. And that’s what we all desire. Let me explain the 3 dimensions and how they cycle together.Click HERE to read more
OCTOBER  PODCAST: Stay Connected when work calls you awayListen in to understand the principles and practical steps of keeping a marriage strong in spite of being apart a lot due to work. Leland shares the impact of his lead role in the movie “Extraordinary” and how his character’s struggle was a mirror of their struggle in real life.Listen HERE
CARE CENTRE NEWS:  GOLF MARATHON OF HOPE! This year's Hockey Marathon of Hope is going to look a little different - here's some info to get us started - stay tuned!!• Golf Marathon of Hope• Saturday Oct 3rd 2020• Fort Langley Golf Courseo 25 foursomeso First tee time 10:24am, intervals of 8 min with last tee time:1:36pm• $200 to register, $300 to raise• Raise $300, get your reg fee back!• Lunch, prizes, swag bag Learn More

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