November eZine: Overcoming Marital Misunderstandings
Featured Article: You make no sense | Overcoming Marital Misunderstandings
Do you ever feel like you and your spouse are working against each other? Misunderstandings kill connection. For some couples, it’s this daily push and pull experience that robs them of joy in their marriage. Many bad habits perpetuate misunderstandings. The Bible has a straightforward challenge for us and let me aim it a little more at your home life. James 1:19 (NLT) says, “Understand this, my dear [married] brothers and sisters: You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry.”Learn more…
NOVEMBER ARTICLE: Is There Two in your Marriage, or Three?

What if there were three in a marriage and not two? Relax, I am not talking about a “threesome.” I am talking about what I have seen work over and over in so many strong marriages I have observed – a husband and wife agree to braid God into their marriage. The couple plus God equal three.At the risk of being controversial, I want to address this aspect of marriage because of the significant bearing it has on the success of the relationship. I want to explain the impact that including the spiritual dimension in your life as a couple has on the strength and satisfaction within your marriage.Click
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NOVEMBER PODCAST: Togetherness: Life-long Friendship in MarriageDr. Dave Currie along with Wayne & Mary Jane, have a helpful discussion on the joys and challenges for couples in the 2nd half of marriage to find ways to keep building a quality of satisfying companionship. Guest: Donalyn Currie.Listen
CARE CENTRE NEWS: Do you need counselling for yourself, your marriage or family? Let us helpDr. Dave and his committed team at the Doing Family Right Care Centre can counsel you in person if you are in the Fraser Valley, or via video-conferencing if you live farther away. Count on the same kind of relevant and God-honouring guidance that you have come to trust from DFR already.
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